Dental Sciences

Dental Sciences

Islamic International Dental College & Hospital was established in the year 2001, to contribute the community needs of Rawalpindi / Islamabad and the surrounding areas of Pakistan in the field of dentistry. The college started as a dental section of Islamic International Medical College with 50 admissions annually and it became an independent college later in the year 2006. The college is now accredited by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PM&DC) for 75 admissions per year. The degree is awarded by Riphah International University, Islamabad.

In accordance with the orders of honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan and Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC) regulations of centralized admissions policy through admitting university, is being implemented in Islamic International Dental College for BDS 19th Entry, please click on below link for details

Medical (BDS) Admissions 2025

Dental Programs

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)

M.Phil Dental Material

MDS Operative Dentistry

FCPS Part-II Training

MDS Orthodontics


To be a premier institute in training & grooming doctors of impeccable professional ability with exacting standards of moral & ethical values to exercise excellence in providing healthcare & practicing medical sciences and are acclaimed nationally as well as internationally.

Aims & Objectives:

IIDC was founded with the sole purpose of providing quality education, disciplined behavior and character building of the budding doctors. The graduating doctors are expected to be:
  • Good, practicing and enlightened Muslim medical professionals.
  • Committed to Professional excellence with strong community orientation.
  • Able to manage emergencies in clinical practice.
  • Research oriented knowledge seekers.
  • Conversant with application of latest information technology in medical profession.


  • IIDC is recognized by PM&DC for 75 students annually.
  • IIDC-H is recognized for house job for its own graduates.
  • It is recognized for training by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan for FCPS Part II in Orthodontics, Operative Dentistry, OMFS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) and Prosthodontics.
  • IIDC is listed in WHO directory of accredited medical schools & universities.


Islamic International Dental College & Hospital is offering undergraduate four years program Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), followed by one-year house job. In addition to the undergraduate courses, IIDC offers postgraduate courses in the departments of Orthodontics, Operative Dentistry, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics accredited by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. IIDC offers MDS program in Orthodontics, Operative Dentistry and M. Phil Dental Material recognized by HEC and PM & DC.


The first batch of BDS students graduated in 2005 and till today 16 batches have been graduated. Our students are working nationally and all around the globe. In the beginning college started as part of medical college at Almizan Building, 274- Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi, and now it is located in its exclusive building at 7th Avenue, G-7/4, Islamabad. Apart from being a fully equipped dental hospital. 

Message from Principal
Welcome to the Islamic International Dental College web site. We welcome your comments and feedback on this site and hope that the information provided will appropriately inform you of our admission policies, curriculum, research and health care services activities. This site includes our administrative and departmental leadership and the units responsible for the clinical and academic programs. The College of Dentistry is an integral part of Riphah International University which consists of the Colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing and Allied Health, and several specialty institutes and centers.
Prof. Dr. Ulfat Bashir
Principal IIDC

Lt. Gen. (R) Dr. Azhar Rashid

Dean FHMS/Principal Islamic International Medical College (IIMC)

Educate | Empower | Enlighten