Healthcare Improvement & Safety

Healthcare Improvement & Safety

At Riphah Internationl University, we aspire to take leadership in the national movement to improve quality and safety in healthcare. The Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety plans to train leaders in quality improvement and patient safety and to promote research that defines best practices for healthcare quality improvement and patient safety.

As we move from traditional models towards bold, new ideas for healthcare reform, the call is on to build creative coalitions and to think in innovative ways. The unique challenges and strengths of hospitals create opportunities for collaboration among disciplines to reshape the healthcare landscape. The Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety exists to train leaders in clinical care improvement and to promote research that defines best practices for healthcare in Pakistan.

Institute’s goal is to eliminate preventable harm to patients and to achieve the best patient outcomes at the lowest cost possible and then to share knowledge of how to achieve this goal with other Pakistani and Middle East Hospitals. Created with seed money from Riphah University, the institute will also provide an infrastructure that will oversee, coordinate and supports patient safety and quality efforts in Riphah University-affiliated hospital which may be replicated in other hospitals of Pakistan and the Middle East.
We aspire to build an infrastructure using our expertise to achieve quality goals with consults, support for data and measurement methodologies, and provision of quality tools. Inpatient and outpatient will be actively engaged in quality projects; Institute will support these efforts with personnel and resources.

The Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety will become the leader in uniting healthcare providers and engaging nationally and internationally renowned experts in collaborative efforts to improve healthcare quality and Patient safety. Additionally, we will develop strong collaborative relationships with various quality experts internationally. These quality collaborative efforts will yield measurable results that will reduce morbidity and mortality through quality improvement and patient safety practices.

Healthcare Improvement & Safety Programs

Certificate Courses


Scope of RIHIS

The Riphah Institute of Health Improvement and Safety focuses mainly on the following areas:
  1. Education and Training
  2. Public Policy and Advocacy
  3. Partnerships and Collaborations
  4. Services
  5. Research

For more information about  RIHIS please visit:


At Riphah Internationl University, we aspire to take leadership in the national movement to improve quality and safety in healthcare. The Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety plans to train leaders in quality improvement and patient safety and to promote research that defines best practices for healthcare quality improvement and patient safety.

As we move from traditional models towards bold, new ideas for healthcare reform, the call is on to build creative coalitions and to think in innovative ways. The unique challenges and strengths of hospitals create opportunities for collaboration among disciplines to reshape the healthcare landscape. The Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety exists to train leaders in clinical care improvement and to promote research that defines best practices for healthcare in Pakistan.

Institute’s goal is to eliminate preventable harm to patients and to achieve the best patient outcomes at the lowest cost possible and then to share knowledge of how to achieve this goal with other Pakistani and Middle East Hospitals. Created with seed money from Riphah University, the institute will also provide an infrastructure that will oversee, coordinate and supports patient safety and quality efforts in Riphah University-affiliated hospital which may be replicated in other hospitals of Pakistan and the Middle East.

Message from Dean
“The journey of healthcare quality & safety in Pakistan started some years ago, however it picked up momentum with the 1stInternational Conference on Patient Safety (ICPS) in 2016, which paved the way for “Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety” the first of its kind institute in this region. Riphah International University established RIHIS keeping in line with its commitment towards promoting patient-centric healthcare and quality standards in Pakistan. 
Dr. Zakiuddin Ahmed
Project Director, RIHIS

Patient Safety

Our Priority

Patient Safety and Healthcare Improvement is our priority.